Himalayan Salt Lamp 2.43kg

$ 28.00

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Himalayan Salt Lamp

2.430kg comes with bulb and lead

19cm by 10.3cm by 10.8cm approx

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Himalayan salt lamps are actually solid blocks of Himalayan salt that have been hand-carved. Deep underground mines in Khewra, Pakistan, located on the western edge of the Himalayan Mountains, are the only source of true Himalayan pink salt. The color of Himalayan salt lamps ranges from a light pink to a pinkish orange with the hue a result of the mineral concentration. Within the hollowed-out center of this block of salt is a light bulb that emits both light and heat. A salt lamp is not a lamp at all if it doesn’t have the light and heat source within it. Without that, it’s just a block of salt.Salt is Hygroscopic, which means it attracts water molecules to itself. Being the big hunk of salt that it is, a Himalayan salt lamp is believed to work by attracting the water molecules. This water vapor can also carry indoor pollutants like mold, bacteria and allergens. Once the water vapor comes in contact with the salt lamp, the pollutants are believed to remain trapped in the salt. Since the lamp is heated, the salt dries out and is able to continue the cycle of attracting water vapor and pollutants, releasing the water vapor back into the air but holding on to the health-hazardous pollutants.Just looking at the glow of a Himalayan salt lamp can be calming, which is therapeutic in and of itself, but what about the other health claims? To date, there aren’t any scientific studies focusing specifically on Himalayan salt lamp benefits. However, there is good reason to believe that a real Himalayan salt lamp may provide some health benefits given the other salt research out there as well as many encouraging user testimonies.

According to the Lung Institute, salt (in general) has the following health properties:
Loosens excessive mucus and speeds up mucociliary transport
Removes pathogens (ie., airborne pollen)
Reduces IgE level (immune system oversensitivity)
Along with the hygroscopic benefits, Himalayan natural salt lamps are also said to release negative ions into the surrounding environment. For those curious, negative ions are simply oxygen atoms with an extra electron.

These negative ions occur in nature via the effects of water, air, and sunlight. Have you ever gone for a hike through the mountains or near a waterfall only to feel rejuvenated? Negative ions are partly to thank for that wonderful feeling. Nature has the ability to heal, and proponents of Himalayan salt lamps argue these pink salt rocks can mimic, to an extent, the feeling you get from being outside.

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Additional information

Weight 8.00 kg