

$ 10.00

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$ 10.00

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Apricot Stilbite with dash of Green Apophyllite

7.5cm by 5.4cm by 3.5cm high approx.

These Stilbite Crystal Clusters are part of the zeolite class of minerals. This lovely Stilbite exhibits a wonderful spiritual energy.

Stilbite is often used for psychic guidance and creativity. Carrying a fine, loving vibration, Stilbite is said to help with all kinds of metaphysical endeavors, and especially with spiritual travel. It is known that people often lose all or some of their memories of spiritual or other metaphysical experiences due to the fact that, to facilitate such experiences, usually a deeper meditative state, such as beta or theta, is necessary.

Stilbite is believed to aid in remembering those experiences. Just holding one of these gentle Stilbite Clusters reminds you that you are loved and cared for regardless of your circumstances. Some say Stilbite raises one’s consciousness of universal love.

Use Stilbite Crystal Clusters on the Third Eye for help with intuition and psychic ability. Stilbite is helpful in learning acceptance and letting go, which is in turn helpful for manifestations.

Stilbite is strongly connected to the third eye chakra as well, assisting one in the dream state, and allowing for pleasant dreams. For someone that needs help in falling asleep, stilbite can be used as a tonic effect on the mind. You can either hold a piece of stilbite in your hands, place it on your third eye or place it on the headboard of your bed to invoke the calming effects of stilbite in your sleep.

Stilbite allows the person to be free from too many external influences including fear, and assists one in making decisions and choices that are correct for the evolvement of this person’s spiritual path

Apophyllite stones have a high vibration that will raise your spirits, and spiritually energize your entire being.

The lovely clear crystals including the sweet little pyramids are particularly wonderful to work with.

They stimulate your pineal gland and help to open you up to spiritual awakening, by infusing your light-body with high vibration energy.

These crystals have a unique vibration that can be used in a number of ways. They have an excellent ability to transmit their energy, and are uplifting to simply keep in the room with you.

This may give you relief from stress, tension and anxiety. Use a group of them to grid your home, so you can feel better all the time.

The flow of spiritual light they convey to you from the higher realms, brings hope for the future, and also helps you to release negative thought patterns that may be holding you back.

Orders Posted Mon-Fri working hours

Additional information

Weight 0.600 kg
